More than 2,000 military personnel are set to take legal action against the Ministry of Defence for discrimination over housing costs, according to reports.

The action relates to alleged discrimination against younger and unmarried personnel over housing costs in claims that could be worth a total of £30 million, it is estimated.
The claim relates to the MoD's housing policy, which requires all British Army personnel who are under 37, and those who are over 37 and unmarried, to pay for what is known as single living accommodation.
In contrast, Army personnel over the age of 37 and married are eligible for a valuable accommodation allowance.
In the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy, age is not taken into account but only those who are married or in a civil partnership qualify for the accommodation allowance.
Commenting on the legal action, Hilary Meredith, founder and chair at Hilary Meredith Solicitors said: “This case just typifies the archaic way the MoD has conducted itself for decades
“Without any public scrutiny, accountability or responsibility it has been left to age old traditionalists to follow outdated methods and procedures in every aspect of our military capabilities.
“The way we look after our soldiers is a disgrace. It is no surprise that recruitment is at an all-time low.
“Wrapped up in stuffy military ways and blinkered to what’s actually happening in the real world, the military needs a complete overall.
“The old shell needs to be cracked open to allow a commercial approach with systems and procedures compatible with a modern army.
“I don’t underestimate the task and expense required but savings could easily be made with a more commercial approach - in particular by settling claims for those injured or killed in service at an earlier stage.”